100% Australian Made and Owned
Viponds Graffiti Coat is a two pack waterbased clear coat that can be applied to painted and unpainted surfaces to allow easy removal of graffiti. The clear coat forms a very hard UV protectant finish that allows solvent removal of the graffiti using Viponds Graffiti Cleaner. Available in gloss and satin finishes.
Graffiti Coat Primer is a water based clear that has been formulated to apply as a primer to improve the adhesion of Graffiti Coat onto painted surfaces .
Graffiti Proof Primer is a water based clear that has been formulated to apply as a primer to improve the adhesion of latex, UV cured and Ecosolvent inks on to Viponds Graffiti Proof.
Graffiti Coat Product Information Download
Graffiti Coat Primer Product Information Download
Graffiti Proof Product Information Download
Graffiti Proof Primer Product Information Download
Anti-graffiti paint coating is a protective coating that can be applied on top of existing paint on a wall. This coating allows graffiti from spray paint and markers to be easily removed.
Our high-quality anti-graffiti coating can be applied on a wide range of surfaces, including concrete walls, bricks, glass, metal, wood, plastic and more. This makes it perfect for the exterior walls of buildings, houses and other structures prone to vandalism.
Viponds Graffiti Coat is the perfect solution for homeowners and businesses looking to avoid the costly effects of vandalism. The benefits of our anti-graffiti coating include:
While some anti-graffiti coatings may slightly alter the appearance or texture of surfaces, the Viponds Graffiti Coat and Graffiti Proof are designed to be nearly invisible and preserve the original aesthetics of the surface.
At Viponds, we are committed to providing you with the best paint products that achieve optimal results. If you have any questions about our offerings, feel free to contact us.